Kids Comment On The Humanity Project

See those comments just above, obviously written by a child? They are only two of the end-of-year remarks offered by our fifth grade Humanity Club kids — anonymously. They could say anything they wanted … or nothing at all. But they each chose to say quite a lot.

After 25 Humanity Club sessions that began early in the school year, these smart kids clearly got a great deal from their time with the Humanity Project: “It has helped me by reminding me that I am important and that I should stay confident.” Or another that says, “It has helped everyone learn to be kind and respectful.” Or … here’s another:

Yes, some of our kids mention bullying. Two students specifically told us their Humanity Project experience improved their “mental health.”

These student leaders were selected to help us spread our positive message throughout their school. “Equality For Each, Respect For All!” And, importantly, to gain feelings of self-worth along the way. They understood those ideas and passed them on to their peers. We’re proud of each of our kids… and we’ll miss them. But we’ll be working with many more bright caring students in 2024-25, of course. We can’t wait.

Humanity Park

Humanity Park

The Humanity Project is very proud to make a major announcement: We now can welcome you to “Humanity Park”!

After more than one and a half years of effort, Oakwood Hills Park in Hollywood, Florida has been officially renamed Humanity Park. We’ve done this in close partnership with our good friends at the Hollywood LGBTQ Council — with big thanks to Todd Delmay, Lisa Tumminello and Jeff Oliverio of the Council. We also are very grateful to Commissioner Anderson and the entire Hollywood City Commission for their unanimous support of this name change.

As Humanity Project Founder and President, Bob Knotts, told the commission before their vote: "Humanity Park will invite you, invite anyone, to feel at home. Humanity Park will offer peace and community because it will very clearly tell you that peace and community live there, among the soft grass and the stately old tree limbs. We can make it a place for renewed hope in our own humanity and the humanity of others precisely by making those ideas central and unmistakable throughout the park. Humanity Park can become a symbol of a welcoming and changed Hollywood..."

In his remarks to the commission, Todd Delmay had this to say: "The Hollywood LGBTQ Council has been partners with The Humanity Project almost since we began. When they came to us with the idea for renaming and re-imagining this park we were excited to get on board. We feel the idea of a Humanity Park is also consistent with our mission, and that of Hollywood’s Founder Joseph Young, for Hollywood to be a place for everyone. Special thanks to Commissioner Anderson and our friends at the Liberia Civic Association for their support. We look forward to approval of the name change and joining you all at the re-opening."

We are very excited to involve the local community in our new project — to explore ideas and enlist volunteers to help us transform this pretty but ordinary park into something truly unique and special for everyone who visits. Nothing has been decided yet, of course, but among possibilities for changes to Humanity Park are, perhaps, to paint sidewalks and benches in bright colors; create a dog park; add a free book exchange; create a water feature or Zen garden. Or anything else the community would like to see there. We can’t wait to get to work … and then to hold a grand re-opening. Stay tuned. You’ll be hearing a lot about our new Humanity Park in the months ahead. Just one more way we promote “Equality For Each, Respect For All!”

Hear Your Children Call

What if kids could call out the so-called adults in this world? What if they could ask for respect among the grownups who so often make a mess of things with anger and fear, with greed and vengeance and selfishness? The Humanity Project has just posted a new video created with some of our kids from the Humanity Club program — and the video’s goal is to do just that: Kids call for a more respectful society…

You can watch the 4-minute video and hear their inspiring voices for yourself. We also hope you’ll share the video link with other adults in your life. The Humanity Project believes in the power of children to improve our world. That’s why we work so hard to teach them the values of respect for all, self-worth and equality. And to help our kids share these values with their peers. And adults.

Big thanks to Piper Spencer, a Humanity Project Board Director and co-teacher of the Humanity Club at Pembroke Pines Charter Elementary in Pembroke Pines, Florida. She helped produce the recording session alongside Humanity Project Founder & President, Bob Knotts. (Bob also wrote the music and lyrics used in the video.) We feel sure you’ll enjoy this latest post on our Humanity Project YouTube Channel. And while you’re at our channel, you may want to check out some of the other 80+ videos we have available to the public for free.

Teens Say I Care

Our new I Care materials, created by teens, for teens and parents

Take a look. Then download for free. Voila — our new I Care book and brochure. The photo shows the results of months of hard work with Humanity Project teenagers, who helped us create all new materials for their peers. And for parents too. Brief, portable but with lots of lifesaving information presented in an appealing way that is quickly read but long remembered.

With great thanks to our partners at State Farm, we now offer the book and brochure for free. And as mentioned, you can download the book right now at no cost by using our new QR code:

Our new I Care QR code for free book downloads

I Care is an innovative Humanity Project program that began in 2012 with generous State Farm funding … and continues with ongoing support from this public-spirited company. We’re proud to make available these new I Care offerings. If a driver of any age follows the advice in the book or brochure, their chances of coming home safely are likely to increase. Both the book and brochure give solid, real-world tested tips that are simple and effective. Check out the book for yourself and see what we mean.

It’s all part of the Humanity Project’s daily push for a more respectful world. In this case, we call it respect on the roads. Because when is respect among people more urgent than when we’re on the highway? We hope you’ll download the book, read it … and share it, please. What better way to show someone that you care?

Our Very Good Neighbor

There is no simpler or more sincere way to say it… again: Thank you, State Farm. This community-minded organization is now more than 100 years old. For 17 of those years, State Farm has provided vital financial support for the Humanity Project. Recently we received a new major grant that allows us to do important work in 2024. As we always say to our friends at State Farm, “We can’t do it without you.” Those friends include the wonderful Jose Soto, State Farm Corporate Responsibility Analyst, who always is there in many ways to help the community.

This year State Farm funding allows us to tackle a huge overhaul of our I Care program, which teaches critical lessons to teens and parents about “respect on the roads.” Because, really, when is respect for ourselves and others more immediately essential than when we’re driving? Since 2012, I Care has been reaching thousands of families with this core message, taught through teen-created books, websites, live workshops and more. A team of teenagers has just completed work on an updated, modernized version of our I Care books — and we expect to make everything available to the public for free in the coming days.

The evidence is clear, demonstrating that teens can improve the driving habits of their peers. Parents also greatly influence the driving of their teenage motorists, research shows. I Care seizes on this evidence in order to enlist both teens and parents in the battle against distracted driving. These collaborations include an innovative free website for parents of teen drivers: ("The Humanity Project 4 Parents").

State Farm and its affiliates are the largest providers of auto and home insurance in the United States. Its more than 19,400 agents and 67,000 employees serve over 91 million policies and accounts – including auto, fire, life, health, commercial policies and financial services accounts. Commercial auto insurance, along with coverage for renters, business owners, boats and motorcycles, is also available. State Farm is ranked No. 44 on the 2023 Fortune 500 list of largest companies. For more information, visit

So once more, we feel proud to be associated with this fine company. And yes, the Humanity Project can think of no better way to express our gratitude than to say, simply and sincerely … thank you, State Farm.

Self-worth Is The Goal

January 28 2024: Talking about the Humanity Project’s emphasis on self-worth

The Humanity Project was founded in 2005 with one central focus: to promote individual self-worth. Despite our many changes in all those years, that goal remains our focus. Briefly, we’d like to explain why this is true.

Our stated mission is “instilling greater respect for the goodness and inherent value of humanity.” And our trademarked motto is “Equality for Each, Respect for All!” How, then, is self-worth the focus of the Humanity Project’s work? Those statements sound as if our efforts involve social change more than individual change.

But here’s the connection, which some folks may not realize when looking over our programs: We promote social changes that result in the individual improvements we seek — that is, greater self-worth. For example, research has shown for decades that school bullying damages student psyches, lowering a child’s sense of value as a human being. Other kids are making fun of them, afterall, or even harming them physically. Obviously, this often makes bullying victims feel bad about themselves. So our acclaimed, nationally known antibullying programs help to stop the bullying, which is the immediate goal. But the true underlying intent of our programs is to prevent individual students from suffering psychological scars that may diminish their self-worth for a lifetime.

This underlying goal is also the reason the Humanity Project works as close allies of organizations in the LGBTQ community, whose individuals are disproportionately bullied and attacked, verbally and physically. And for the same reason the Humanity Project does whatever we can to promote the value of religious and racial minorities as well as all genders. By laboring for equality and respect-for-all, we’re really working to ensure that more people have the opportunity to feel good about who they are. That effort, that goal, is the fundamental “project” in our name — to create greater self-worth among our fellow humans. Or as many of us as we can reach, anyway.

Yes, equality for each, respect for all. Yes indeed, greater respect for the goodness and inherent value of humanity. These are just lovely ways of saying that the Humanity Project wants each person to appreciate their own worth, which in turn allows them to appreciate the worth of other people. We hope to inspire a recognition of our individual humanity … and thereby, the humanity of everyone else. That’s the Humanity Project.

Nonprofit Integrity

We are less than one month into 2024, as this blog is written. But the Humanity Project already has earned a 2024 Candid Gold Seal of Transparency from GuideStar, the highly respected national nonprofit information service. This means the Humanity Project is open about our practices and our finances. It means our organization operates with integrity. And it means you can have confidence when donating to our work to “inspire greater respect for the goodness and inherent value of humanity”… our mission. The Humanity Project is now in our 19th year, founded in 2005. During this entire period we’ve taken pride in maintaining high ethical standards. We use the money from our wonderful sponsors and individual donors in ways that further our mission. That’s one reason we get funding from important organizations such as State Farm and The Our Fund Foundation, among others. A big thank you, then, to GuideStar for this 2024 demonstration of support for the Humanity Project. We will do our best to justify their opinion of our nonprofit and the vital work we do. “Equality for each, respect for all.”

Welcome 2024

Yes… A hearty welcome indeed to 2024. (Can it really be we’re nearly a quarter century into this millennium?) The Humanity Project enters our new year hopeful. And excited on many fronts.

You’ll be hearing in the coming months about some of our latest efforts, which include bold new additions to our State Farm-sponsored I Care program. We’ll unveil those changes early in 2024. Then there’s our planned Humanity Park. We’ve been working on this project for several months in partnership with our good friends at the Hollywood LGBTQ Council. Since it’s not a done deal quite yet, we’ll save most of the details for later. But we now have very strong support from key officials and neighbors in Hollywood, Florida … and we expect to receive final approvals for our renamed city park within a few weeks. We’ll keep you posted. For now, just know that we plan to transform a large city park into something very special for all residents and visitors alike — a welcoming, warm, safe refuge from our troubled world for everyone who enters Humanity Park.

Our Humanity Club and Antibullying Through The Arts programs have expanded in the 2023-24 school year with vital support from the Our Fund Foundation and Floatarama, among others. Those programs resume as soon as the kids return to classes. And we’ll be out and about in the community more in 2024 as well, with speaking engagements, event appearances and other outreach efforts. These are only some of the reasons we’re hopeful and excited as 2024 begins. Please join our work to promote “equality for each, respect for all” by signing our Pledge for Humanity on this website. May this new year bring all of us more peace, more health, more compassion and more hope.

Seasoned With Giving

At a Humanity Project holiday party, some joyful singing

The tradition dates back centuries. During the holidays, well … Perhaps Charles Dickens said it best in his great story, “A Christmas Carol”: "At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge," said the gentleman, taking up a pen, "it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, Sir."

Today, of course, the needs are often broader and more complex than in 19th Century London. Our society’s needs include a healthier planet, safer children, equality for every person. And much much more. At the Humanity Project, we promote “equality for each, respect for all.” At the heart of our mission is the need for greater self-worth, which in turn allows individuals to treat other folks with more humanity. As we tell our Humanity Project kids: “It’s only those people who feel bad about themselves that make others feel bad. When you feel like somebody, you treat everyone else like somebody too.” Respect for all begins with respect for self.

If you reflect on your experience, you’ll see that’s true. So our organization is tackling a fundamental social problem through practical programs that work. We strive to be effective, inspiring … and transparent. The respected national nonprofit rating service, Candid/Guidestar, consistently awards the Humanity Project its Gold Seal of Transparency, showing that we are open about our practices and careful with our funds.

We hope in this Season of Giving 2023, you will consider a donation in some form to the Humanity Project. Whether $5 or $500, it helps us do our important work both with children and adults. You can even make a monthly donation through our Sponsor A Child feature. It’s safe, simple and allows you to donate, say, $10 a month to sponsor a better future for one child.

We love the holidays here at the Humanity Project. It is a time when folks come together with affection and generosity. In that spirit, we wish you and yours a very joyful and healthy holiday season! We hope 2024 will bring our world a step or two closer to “equality for each, respect for all.”

Our Fund And FLoatarama, Thanks!

Today the Humanity Project is proud to thank two important sponsors: The Our Fund Foundation, one of our longtime major supporters … and FLoatarama, a new nonprofit that just awarded us meaningful funding. Both agencies work to improve life for the South Florida LGBTQ community. And now both of them are helping the Humanity Project to prevent the school bullying that disproportionately harms LGBTQ students. We thank them.

FLoatarama recently gave out their second round of annual grants to six nonprofits in South Florida, including the Humanity Project. Each of those agencies is respected for important programs that directly benefit LGBTQ young people, whether through education or the arts or in other ways. The funding is administered with help from Our Fund. We are grateful to FLoatarama CEO Scott Schramm and his team. And as you can see, some of our Humanity Project kids wanted to thank this new sponsor in their own fashion:

Of course, the Humanity Project has many times and in many ways thanked The Our Fund Foundation … something we make sure to do throughout the year. Their funding is vital to our work with students, promoting respect for all, self-worth and equality. We truly can’t do what we do without this extraordinary agency, led by CEO David Jobin. We’re always happy to say with pride, “This program was made possible by a grant from The Our Fund Foundation, an LGBTQ Community Foundation.”

And now we’re very pleased to add, “This program was made possible by a grant from The FLoatarama LGBTQ Youth Fund at Our Fund Foundation, an LGBTQ Community Foundation.” A very big thanks to both Our Fund and FLoatarama. With your help, the Humanity Project continues to work hard every day promoting “Equality For Each, Respect For All.”

An Educator Comments On Our Work

Our remarks here will be brief — because the letter in this post says it all. Kind but meaningful comments from a respected educator. Dr. Lisa Sporillo is very familiar with the work of the Humanity Project. And she has found that we have made a real difference in her school. Our efforts at Pembroke Pines Charter Elementary are just part of fulfilling our mission to instill greater respect for the goodness and inherent value of humanity. Thank you, Dr. Sporillo, for the chance to spread our positive message among your students.

Lean But Effective

Our Thousand Youth March for Humanity — the nation’s first mass children’s march against bullying

As the Humanity Project nears our 18th birthday, we’d like to share a fact you may not know: Since our founding in 2005, we have never paid anyone a salary. We think that’s quite a record for an organization that has accomplished all that we have.

We have created from scratch several acclaimed programs, including I Care, Antibullying Through The Arts and Humanity Club. And we’ve offered them for free, reaching tens of thousands of children and adults. We organized and led the nation’s first mass children’s march against bullying, our Thousand Youth March for Humanity. The Humanity Project has made many dozens of our own original videos for kids and grownups as well as original music, stories, blogs and podcasts. We currently have two websites, our main site at along with our site for parents of teen drivers at We’ve a social media following in excess of 10,000 people and our main website attracts visitors worldwide every day of the year, folks who want to learn our inspiring message. Hundreds of those visitors have signed our Pledge For Humanity, promising to treat others and themselves with respect in their daily lives. We could go on … and on. But we hope the point is clear: The Humanity Project has made a difference.

We couldn’t have done this without our great sponsors, including State Farm, The Our Fund Foundation, Children’s Services Council of Broward County, Google and others. They help us pay the essential bills. But those bills do not include paychecks. Our founder and president, our board members, our volunteers, our teachers and guidance counselors and students — everyone works without a salary. Small stipends to defray expenses are sometimes given, but they are very small indeed. Typically, $500 or less. And they are awarded carefully, very few and far between.

This history is part of the reason the Humanity Project consistently earns the Candid Gold Seal of Transparency from GuideStar, the respected national organization that oversees nonprofit integrity. We are very proud of that history. And we hope to continue doing what we do for many years to come, instilling greater respect for the goodness and inherent value of humanity. “Equality For Each, Respect For All.” That’s the Humanity Project.