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The Humanity Project® creates innovative free programs that advance equality and respect for every member of society. Three core values form the foundation of every Humanity Project program:

  • The need for self-worth within every individual

  • The importance of equality and respect at every level of society

  • The celebration of human diversity

    We teach these values to both kids and adults through our practical, arts-based methods that are proven effective by empirical testing.

“Equality For Each, respect for all” ™


The Humanity Club 

Original arts-based activities and materials teach the values of “equality for each, respect for all” to handpicked student leaders, typically young girls of color. Emphasizes self-value and leadership skills, including public speaking, to create and deliver a program to their peers instilling greater respect for the inherent value of every human being. 

Antibullying Through The Arts 

All-original music, roleplaying, stories, books & more for elementary school students. Instills respect for the equal value of every child by teaching that “Bullying hurts everyone in this school – and it takes everyone to stop it!”


I Care: Just Let Me Drive 

Fun website, videos and books created by teens, for teen drivers… and parents. Instills respect for the equal value of every human life by emphasizing “respect on the roads”: the importance of attentive respectful driving.


One Common Humanity

An extension of our Humanity Project Speakers Bureau. Leads public forums on issues of equality, respect-for-all, diversity and our common humanity, emphasizing the value of marginalized members of our society.



A unique collaboration among nonprofits and individuals from all seven continents, including Antarctica. PeacePage uses images and captions to make a simple point: We all share a common and profound humanity. 

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