A Pledge For Humanity

In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest tribute.
— Thurgood Marshall

Your name will be added to hundreds of other caring pledge signers from around the world

See who already has signed the Pledge for Humanity

As one hopeful member of the human race, I promise to make every reasonable effort to live up to these words each day.

Accordingly, I pledge:

  • To treat every human being with respect for their inherent value – even when I disagree with their actions, words or beliefs.

  • To look beyond myself, striving toward a humanity where each human being feels equally valuable.

  • To understand that this effort benefits me by strengthening my own self-worth and forging a higher purpose for my daily life.

NOTE: Only your name will be added to our online Honor Roll list of pledge signers. All other information is confidential.

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