blog about humanity

Beyond Gold

We are quite proud. The Humanity Project has just received the latest Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency from GuideStar, the respected national nonprofit information service. Platinum is the highest rating given by GuideStar. And it is not awarded easily.

The platinum rating means you can have full confidence that your donations to the Humanity Project are being used wisely — and for the purpose you intend. It means we are transparent about our finances, our board of directors, our mission and programs and goals. Basically, the platinum rating means you can trust the Humanity Project.

As you no doubt know, we’ve been around now for 20 years. We believe that the Humanity Project has earned your trust over that entire time. We work hard to make a genuine difference in our community and in our world. Transparency and integrity are nothing new for us. But our platinum rating from GuideStar offers proof of those qualities for those who may not yet be familiar with the Humanity Project.

So yes, we’re proud of our shiny new GuideStar status — upgraded in 2025 after several years at their gold rating. (Gold is GuideStar’s second highest rating, also considered impressive.) We hope you may consider joining the Humanity Project by signing our Pledge for Humanity, if you’ve not done so already. Perhaps you might even care to make a donation to support our work. We’ll use it to bring our inspiring programs and other materials to children and adults at no charge, just as always. Respect-for-all, equality and self-worth … those values are at the core of everything we do. We are the Humanity Project.

Statement of Values In The New America

Note: The following statement of values by the Humanity Project was published in February 2025 as our response to new policies and executive actions in the United States and in Florida. It was written by Humanity Project Founder and President, Bob Knotts, and signed by all members of the Humanity Project Board of Directors.

Humanity Project Statement of Values in the New America

The Humanity Project is deeply disturbed by the severe social changes we see happening around us. Our 20-year-old nonprofit organization believes in the goodness and inherent value of every human being. But in the New America of 2025, provocative rhetoric and discriminatory policy are aimed squarely at undermining the worth of individuals whose social groups are targeted as undesirables by Washington and by our home state of Florida.

We reject those labels. And we speak out now as a reminder that all people deserve the respect due them as fellow members of humanity. No one is fundamentally defined by characteristics such as their race or religion, their gender or sexual orientation, their place of birth or their green card status. Science shows that each of us is unique and therefore uniquely valuable – a singular combination of genetics and experience with vast potential for good.

The Humanity Project also recognizes the importance of a diverse society where vulnerable minorities are treated fairly, with a robust understanding of the significant contributions made by their members. As such, we rise here in support of our friends within the transgender community as well as all other LGBTQ individuals today under broad political attack. We stand with wrongly demonized immigrant populations whose labors propel America’s economic engine. We see the worth of the disabled. And we hear the voices of all people, no matter their race or religion or gender, whenever they share their knowledge and talent to improve our society.

The Humanity Project believes the equal value of every individual must serve as a core concept for our nation and for our world, a guiding principle that allows us to welcome each human being to our shared endeavors. “Equality for each, respect for all” is the motto of our organization. We regard universal equality and unconditional respect as key tools to promote self-worth, the building block of every healthy and productive human psyche.

Policies and practices by government that seek to diminish any individual or any group are counterproductive to meaningful social development. So is the cascade of distortions and fabrications that spills daily from Washington and Tallahassee about our fellow citizens. In this New America, old ideas struggle to return – antiquated and disproven notions now celebrated for political gain. The Humanity Project urges more enlightened approaches to governance, with political leadership that recognizes the importance of uplifting its people and inspiring a hopeful future shared by everyone. In the end, the challenging project that is humanity must include us all.


Bullyproof Your Child

The Humanity Project offers many many free resources on a variety of topics related to our mission. These include our programs and speakers bureau, of course, but also lots of online features: blogs and podcasts, fables and videos, music and our store. And more. Through our great sponsor, Google, the internet materials are promoted worldwide… and they attract visitors every day from six continents. (Nothing from Antarctica, yet.)

We’ve just added a valuable new post to our gallery of information. It’s called Bullyproof your child. We think parents will find this a useful guide to help them raise self-confident, healthy children. Based on decades of our experience, the Humanity Project believes that parents can train their children to build deep feelings of self-worth. And in doing so, help their kids become “bullyproof.” The article explains why that happens and offers very practical tips about how to accomplish this.

The post is adapted from a forum for parents on bullying. It was presented at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward County, Florida on January 11 2025 by Humanity Project Founder & President, Bob Knotts. Here is part of the message:

“Bullying only hurts if it strengthens doubts the child already has about themself. In other words, the self-doubts we all have, including children, are openings for bullies to do their damage. Your child’s insecurities are the only weaknesses a bully can exploit to cause pain. The child who feels they are… whatever their insecurity might be. Stupid, fat, ugly, unpopular, awkward, klutzy or anything else. Bullies will discover those insecurities and hammer at them mercilessly. But those taunts only do real harm if the child already believes them to be true in some way. The bully just confirms those self-doubts. And makes them worse. Nasty comments never really reach a kid who is truly self-confident.”

We hope you’ll check out our new post. And please, pass it along to any parents who may benefit from reading this piece. The Humanity Project’s most fundamental mission is to promote and inspire greater feelings of self-worth among as many human beings as possible. That’s why we work toward “equality for each, respect for all” — because equality and respect help individuals to recognize more of their own value, their humanity. And therefore to recognize the value of others too. For centuries, great thinkers have understood the core importance of self-worth in the lives of their people and their societies. The Humanity Project believes better, wiser parenting is the key to building self-worth.

Our 20th Year

Yesterday, November 3 2024, the Humanity Project turned 19-years-old. And today, we begin our 20th year serving the community. We are proud of that. Let us give you a very abbreviated history as we look forward to expanding and celebrating in the consequential 12 months ahead:

  • Incorporated in Florida on November 3, 2005.

  • Began Humanity Project Podcast in March 2006.

  • Won IRS federal tax exemption in September 2006.

  • Organized and led the nation’s first mass children’s march against bullying: November 2008.

  • Began Antibullying Through The Arts program in March 2009.

  • Created original antibullying books given free to all teachers in schools that received our antibullying program: Summer 2010.

  • Antibullying book and other program materials given free to schools nationwide after Time Magazine for Kids published an article celebrating the Humanity Project: October 2010.

  • Created I Care program to teach respectful driving to teens and parents: February - June 2012.

  • Created website for LGBTQ teens and other youth seeking guidance and self-worth: October 2012 - May 2013.

  • Created new materials for the I Care program, including a new component for parents: I Care: Just Help Them Drive: 2013-2016.

  • Created Humanity Club as a live version of the website, teaching middle school student leaders to create an atmosphere where all students feel valued and welcome: Fall 2015 - Spring 2016.

  • Received federally registered trademark for the name, “The Humanity Project”: February 2018.

  • Expanded Humanity Club to elementary schools: Fall 2018.

  • Created “Humanity Gardens” at schools, libraries and parks: Spring 2019 - present.

  • Revised mission statement and wrote new trademarked logo: “Equality for each, respect for all”: Summer 2019.

  • Held “Goodstock,” an all-day fundraising concert with multiple bands and dancers on the 50th anniversary of Woodstock: August 2019.

  • Organized and led virtual library meetings that brought together diverse segments of the community during the pandemic to seek mutual understanding: Fall 2020 - Spring 2021.

  • Expanded Humanity Club to more schools: Fall 2022 - present.

  • Organized and led effort to rename Oakwood Park as “Humanity Park”: Fall 2022 - Spring 2024.

  • Won renaming of “Humanity Park” in collaboration with Hollywood LGBTQ Council: May 2024.

Humanity Project Board of Directors at Humanity Park

The list above is just a small fraction of our achievements in the past 19 years. During that time we have taught the value of self-worth, equality and respect-for-all to tens of thousands of students from grades K - 12. And even to some groups of college students. We have reduced traffic crashes and prevented injuries and perhaps even some deaths thanks to our unique I Care program, sponsored by State Farm. We have created numerous original and innovative videos, musical works, blogs, podcasts, fables and other writings, sharing them worldwide at no cost through our sponsor, Google. We have carried our uplifting ideas to local audiences through live talks and to more than 11,000 followers around the globe through our social media on Instagram, Facebook, X, Threads and Tumblr. And more, much more.

We hope you take pride in supporting the Humanity Project, an organization dedicated to spreading a positive message about the goodness and inherent value of every human being. And as we begin our 20th year, we thank you for that vital support, whether it comes through donations or volunteer work or simply by following us here and on the internet. We believe in you. We are grateful that you also believe in us.

Self-worth Is The Goal

January 28 2024: Talking about the Humanity Project’s emphasis on self-worth

The Humanity Project was founded in 2005 with one central focus: to promote individual self-worth. Despite our many changes in all those years, that goal remains our focus. Briefly, we’d like to explain why this is true.

Our stated mission is “instilling greater respect for the goodness and inherent value of humanity.” And our trademarked motto is “Equality for Each, Respect for All!” How, then, is self-worth the focus of the Humanity Project’s work? Those statements sound as if our efforts involve social change more than individual change.

But here’s the connection, which some folks may not realize when looking over our programs: We promote social changes that result in the individual improvements we seek — that is, greater self-worth. For example, research has shown for decades that school bullying damages student psyches, lowering a child’s sense of value as a human being. Other kids are making fun of them, afterall, or even harming them physically. Obviously, this often makes bullying victims feel bad about themselves. So our acclaimed, nationally known antibullying programs help to stop the bullying, which is the immediate goal. But the true underlying intent of our programs is to prevent individual students from suffering psychological scars that may diminish their self-worth for a lifetime.

This underlying goal is also the reason the Humanity Project works as close allies of organizations in the LGBTQ community, whose individuals are disproportionately bullied and attacked, verbally and physically. And for the same reason the Humanity Project does whatever we can to promote the value of religious and racial minorities as well as all genders. By laboring for equality and respect-for-all, we’re really working to ensure that more people have the opportunity to feel good about who they are. That effort, that goal, is the fundamental “project” in our name — to create greater self-worth among our fellow humans. Or as many of us as we can reach, anyway.

Yes, equality for each, respect for all. Yes indeed, greater respect for the goodness and inherent value of humanity. These are just lovely ways of saying that the Humanity Project wants each person to appreciate their own worth, which in turn allows them to appreciate the worth of other people. We hope to inspire a recognition of our individual humanity … and thereby, the humanity of everyone else. That’s the Humanity Project.

Success Stories

The Humanity Project has many many many success stories. We’re talking here about the progress of individuals helped by our programs, especially young people. Kids who start to believe in themselves. Teens who become leaders. Children of all ages who understand empathy and respect in meaningful ways. We’ve also helped parents learn to be better role models. And adults around the world to feel inspired by the deeper value of humanity.

Let us briefly tell you just a few of these stories — changing the names to protect the privacy of our kids.

Nelson was an insecure and immature fifth grade student when he joined our Humanity Club program. His mother explained he was unsure of his identity, perhaps his sexual orientation. We worked with Nelson week after week for an entire school year as part of our program. Little by little, we watched him emerge from his shy protective shell … and to assume leadership roles in our club. By the end of the school year Nelson said this: “I gained a lot of confidence from the Humanity Project. It helped me very much, that’s for sure.” It was obvious to everyone: After his time with the Humanity Project, Nelson was a changed child.

Another elementary school student, Tilda, avoided public speaking when she joined our program. She had a slight lisp and seemed very self-conscious. Within a few months, though, Tilda gladly took part in videos that required her to recite lines … and even led activities in front of the group. By the end of our Humanity Club, Tilda decided to write a letter to us: “Thank you for teaching me this year. You helped me gain confidence and knowledge. Thanks for all the attention you’ve given me. It made a large difference in my attitude. I’ve changed in so many ways. No other teacher has ever invested so much time in me, and I am truly grateful!"

Then there was Marion, a talented high school student. She quickly assumed a leadership role in our I Care program, arranging events and speaking to peers. And leading her own I Care team after school. Marion told us that I Care gave her an opportunity to learn, grow and develop more quickly and more fully than would have been possible without the Humanity Project. She matured as she acquired an understanding of both the issues addressed by I Care and the underlying human dynamics involved in leading other human beings. Marion went on to a college career of honors and achievement, in no small part due to her experience with the Humanity Project.

These are just some samples of the impact our nonprofit has had on individuals during the past 18 years. You can watch a short video that shows kids talking for themselves about our Humanity Club program. Perhaps we’ve also had some influence on your feelings about yourself and others. Maybe you’ve even signed our Pledge For Humanity. We know that our efforts inspire greater respect for the goodness and inherent value of humanity. Equality, respect and self-worth are our core values. Join our campaign, won’t you? “Equality For Each, Respect For All” are values that allow us to feel better about everyone, including ourselves. That’s the ultimate goal of the Humanity Project.

So Much In Common

Our “Seeking Common Ground” panel — diverse community leaders collaborating in the common interest

On Saturday, January 23, the Humanity Project convened a distinguished panel of community leaders for a conversation about healing our divided society. Those who attended and those who participated were inspired by the respectful and insightful discussion. The panelists intend to move forward with future talks among each other — and future collaborations to foster greater respect and equality in our community. Catch the discussion. (Due to technical problems, only the last hour was recorded …)

This event was hosted online by the Broward County library system in South Florida, taking place just three days after the new U.S. administration was sworn into office and only five days after MLK Day. Appropriately, the 90-minute session began with a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: “I am convinced that men hate each other because they fear each other. They fear each other because they don't know each other, and they don't know each other because they don't communicate with each other, and they don't communicate with each other because they are separated from each other.” The panelists all agreed this is one of the fundamental problems we face in our nation and in the world generally … and that solutions require us to bring together everyday people from a wide range of backgrounds, religions, political views and social values to, yes, simply get to know each other. It sounds so simple, so obvious, doesn’t it? But as we understand, it’s not simple at all. Assembling any group is tough in our busy internet-driven society, more so when the participants are diverse and often unwilling to meet with those who may not agree with them on key issues.

The Humanity Project panel discussed why human beings in today’s world indeed are so separated, and therefore so afraid and angry. Of course, the reasons are many and complex. But the remedy remains: We need to talk to each other and get to know more about that “other” person. It can’t happen online. Social media isn’t much help either, likely worsening our separation in real ways. We need to sit, face to face, and just talk. Clearly, this is a challenge in our Covid culture but we know the impediments will fade as the vaccine rolls out around the globe.

The Humanity Project’s commitment to “equality for each, respect for all” means we plan to continue our efforts to bring together many different folks for respectful discussion, as we’ve been doing under our “One Common Humanity” program. We hope that leads us to work with a variety of nonprofits, churches, businesses and individuals to forge a greater sense of community and to recognize our shared humanity. Because in the end, this is the genuine common ground: We each are human. When we agree to meet and talk with each other, as our panelists did, more of us can see that.

Our 15th Anniversary!

On November 3, 2020, the Humanity Project turns 15! We are proud that our values, programs and ideas have proven lasting. And we’re very grateful to every person and organization that has supported our work. A special shoutout in that context to State Farm, Our Fund, Children’s Services Council of Broward County, Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and Google, among others.

As we look forward to the next 15 years, we also feel pride in the continuing improvement of our organization. Our mission statement has been thoroughly rewritten several times and our motto updated to be as clear, concise and effective as possible. Our Board of Directors and Leadership Council as well as our founder, Bob Knotts, all believe the current mission and motto at last make very plain what we’re fundamentally about. Our mission: “Instilling greater respect for the goodness and inherent value of humanity.” Our motto: “Equality For Each, Respect For All.” We see ourselves as spokespeople for humanity itself, reminding folks in our challenging world that despite all the conflicts and tragedies, among the many setbacks and losses, humanity continues its unsteady advance toward fulfillment. As a species, we are on the march toward equality for each, respect for all. Look around you — you will see the progress in major areas of our lives. Grand advances in human knowledge, major strides in access to water and food for everyone, progress in racial and religious and gender and LGBTQ equality. The work is far far from done, obviously. But step by slow step, humanity is gaining ground … “advancing on Chaos and the Dark,” as Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed it.

You may ask yourself, “What right does the Humanity Project have speaking for humanity? Who are they?” To which we reply, “We have every right, as do you. We are all human beings. We are members of the species Homo sapiens — and our membership automatically grants us the privilege to speak about human life as we see it.” We think a deep belief in humanity fosters belief in the individual human being. And in ourselves as individuals. And this strengthens humanity’s drive toward greater fulfillment of our best traits and abilities.

We take a long view of human history. If you try this for yourself, you’re likely to find it comforting. We each tend to become so lost in the daily flow of dispiriting news, political conflicts and disrespectful words and rampant inequality, that our minds easily lose a more accurate perspective. As Dr. Martin Luther King famously said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” And it also bends toward understanding, wisdom … and spectacular achievement. You and your family and your friends and all of us are the inheritors of a tradition that includes the Mona Lisa and Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, the Parthenon and Petra, Hamlet and Ulysses and Moby Dick. We have stamped our footprints in the dusts of the moon, snapped photographs of galaxies and black holes, launched probes that have passed out of our own solar system toward destinations yet unknown. We have wiped out whole diseases, improved treatments of others. We have traced the obscure records of our history and envisioned ambitious paths to our future. We have gifts not granted to any other species, including the power and flexibility of our imaginations and an extraordinary adaptability.

We are humanity. So are you.

And we also are the Humanity Project. Yes, we’re justifiably proud of all we’ve accomplished in the past 15 years, including the nation’s first mass march against bullying and other large-scale events; effective programs that include Humanity Club, I Care, Antibullying Through The Arts and One Common Humanity; 128 podcasts so far and hundreds of blogs as well as original essays, fables, videos, music and more.

We hope you will become part of the Humanity Project too. Join our campaign at no cost by signing our simple “Pledge For Humanity”: Sign the pledge. Help us to speak on behalf of humanity’s best, assist in the effort to continue our species’ advance toward “equality for each, respect for all.”

"I Am Somebody!"

Zoom image during the July 23 Humanity Club virtual session

At the Humanity Project, nobody is just anybody. We strongly believe, and teach, that everybody is somebody.

When human beings know their own value, they also naturally value others. So our Humanity Club sessions emphasize the importance of the kids in our program, whether we’re live in the classroom as in the past or online now during the pandemic. They learn, for instance, that all human beings are made of stardust. Literally. We teach them the science behind that knowledge — and help them feel the poetry and beauty of the idea. Each week, the entire group several times calls out key phrases such as, “I am somebody! I am special!” And we talk about why this is true for them, what makes each child somebody, what makes each special. And then they learn how to use those wonderful qualities so they can help others.

Everything is connected to the Humanity Project’s mission of working toward equality for each, respect for all. Our students understand they can do something to advance that cause by the way they act in daily life… and we work with them to come up with concrete ideas to create a more respectful community where everyone has an equal value.

But no one can accomplish such things if they don’t believe in themselves. Or if they’re afraid. So the Humanity Club curriculum includes lessons on overcoming fears. Look at this drawing, which one of our kids cranked out in 15 minutes during the July 23 Humanity Club.

Afraid of lions? Not anymore.

It shows one young girl’s fear of lions — and the cage she built in her imagination to protect herself from harm. Other children depicted different fears and different ways to conquer them, including a fear of the dark, of scary movies … and in one case, of getting bad grades! But each student had the chance to consider what that fear meant, why they had it and how they might let go of it. This is just one of the many life lessons learned in our Humanity Club program. And that program is just one of several the Humanity Project offers for free.

We hope you may want to get involved with our work, whether by volunteering or donating … or simply spreading our ideas on social media. Look over our resources here on this website as well as on our other sites, and You’ll find that the Humanity Project truly does believe everybody is somebody. Somebody very special.