The humanity project videos
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The Humanity Project believes that teaching through the arts, including videos and music, helps make our important message more memorable for kids and adults both. Art forges emotional connections that help the information to stick in the mind. To see what we mean, just explore this website.
(All works are copyrighted by the Humanity Project © 2006-2024 All rights reserved.)
Original anti-bullying music video -- with child dancers and actors -- created by the Humanity Project. Loosely based on Michael Jackson's classic "Beat It," this video shows how helping others also helps ourselves. For grades K- 5, but a good message for us all! :-) Original story, music and choreography.
This is the first big children's march against bullying ever held in the United States: Nov. 16, 2008 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The march was conceived, organized and led by The Humanity Project, which teaches individuals how to take action for the greater good that also serves their own highest interests.
TV news story about the Humanity Project's innovative writing program for at-risk 7th and 8th graders: This WSFL-TV story shows how we helped these students to write two books for elementary school children in summer 2010. The books are all about how to stop bullying and are part of the Humanity Project's anti-bullying program for K-5 children.
The acclaimed Humanity Project Anti-bullying Through The Arts program is featured in this September 2010 NBC Miami news story. It shows the effectiveness of this powerful program for elementary school children.
This special anti-bullying hand sign was created by the Humanity Project in 2010 for our acclaimed Anti-bullying Through The Arts program. This elementary school program teaches the hand sign as a student memory aid to reinforce our program's main point: "Bullying hurts everyone in this school -- and it takes everyone to stop it!"