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PeacePage is the result of a collaborative effort between the Humanity Project and our longtime member, Haikaa Yamamoto of the Work of Art Global Project.

 In partnership with nonprofits and individuals from every continent, including Antarctica, a collage of photographs is artistically displayed to powerfully express our common humanity — the deep feelings and other characteristics all humans share. “Equality For Each, Respect For All”

How This Serves Our Mission: We encourage parents and other adults who interact with kids to share the PeacePage with those children. We believe this special resource can help young people and adults alike to recognize that underneath our relatively superficial differences, human beings truly are all the same at a fundamental level. People have much more in common than anything that divides us. In turn, that understanding contributes to the cooperation and social connection that can help more kids and grownups work together toward the greater good.

Click on the PeacePage graphic to watch our special intro video.


---> Check out our PeacePage! <---