At a Humanity Project holiday party, some joyful singing
The tradition dates back centuries. During the holidays, well … Perhaps Charles Dickens said it best in his great story, “A Christmas Carol”: "At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge," said the gentleman, taking up a pen, "it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, Sir."
Today, of course, the needs are often broader and more complex than in 19th Century London. Our society’s needs include a healthier planet, safer children, equality for every person. And much much more. At the Humanity Project, we promote “equality for each, respect for all.” At the heart of our mission is the need for greater self-worth, which in turn allows individuals to treat other folks with more humanity. As we tell our Humanity Project kids: “It’s only those people who feel bad about themselves that make others feel bad. When you feel like somebody, you treat everyone else like somebody too.” Respect for all begins with respect for self.
If you reflect on your experience, you’ll see that’s true. So our organization is tackling a fundamental social problem through practical programs that work. We strive to be effective, inspiring … and transparent. The respected national nonprofit rating service, Candid/Guidestar, consistently awards the Humanity Project its Gold Seal of Transparency, showing that we are open about our practices and careful with our funds.
We hope in this Season of Giving 2023, you will consider a donation in some form to the Humanity Project. Whether $5 or $500, it helps us do our important work both with children and adults. You can even make a monthly donation through our Sponsor A Child feature. It’s safe, simple and allows you to donate, say, $10 a month to sponsor a better future for one child.
We love the holidays here at the Humanity Project. It is a time when folks come together with affection and generosity. In that spirit, we wish you and yours a very joyful and healthy holiday season! We hope 2024 will bring our world a step or two closer to “equality for each, respect for all.”