Paper Connections for Kids


(Editor’s Note: This post is adapted from the October 2013 Humanity Project email newsletter, Humanity News. You can sign up to receive the free newsletter once each month by clicking on the “Go” button in the right-hand column of this home page under “Sign up for our Email Newsletter.” We ask only for your email address.)

Even in our Internet world, important communication still is done the old-fashioned way. On paper. It puts something more permanent into a person’s hands, giving them the chance to pass it along to others. That’s exactly what the Humanity Project is doing with our two newest programs.

The bookmark pictured here is now part of our campaign to spread the word among tweens and teens about — our all-original, teen-created online resource for socially isolated youth, including many in the LGBT community. (There’s a cool photo and other stuff on the back of these bookmarks too!) Then there’s our I Care: Just Let Me Drive books that are the centerpiece of the Humanity Project’s teen driver safety program. We just printed 1,100 copies as a good start to get them into South Florida high schools. We hope for additional funding so we can spread these programs far beyond Florida. We know thp4kids can give badly needed emotional support to thousands of lonely, confused youngsters … and that I Care will save young lives. These paper bookmarks and books are spreading the word among those kids who can benefit most.