Have you visited the Humanity Project “Quotes” page lately? You should. It is updated on the first of each month with five positive, thoughtful quotes from great minds. Some of these come from the mouths or pens of famous people. Some come from folks you may not be familiar with.
Here is one of those, a quotation we discovered by an Indian spiritual teacher named Osho, who lived from 1931 to 1990: “The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others. And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.” We think Osho was right — and here at the Humanity Project, we believe the best way to free ourselves of this obsession with the opinion of others is to focus our attention away from ourselves, instead concentrating our efforts on helping people. That may sound paradoxical but it works. When we take our attention off our personal fears and worries to focus outward on what we can do for others, we somehow don’t dwell on their opinion of us so much. We simply do what we can to help.
Anyway, this blog is really about quotes, isn’t it? But you get the idea. The wisdom offered on our “Quotes” page is worth checking out each month — and worth taking some time to think about. To see our monthly batch of five quotations just look above at the “Quotes” menu tab and give it a click. In October, you’ll find inspiring ideas by such notables as Nelson Mandela, Marie Curie and Henry David Thoreau. All the quotations are appropriate in some way to the Humanity Project’s mission and innovative programs, a collection of ideas that matter. We think you’ll enjoy reading them.