Our programs reach thousands of kids each year!
Just in case there’s any confusion about this website … because, well, I can understand how it could happen. So let me put together a short primer for you. You might come to our website and read our trademarked slogan: “Helping kids to help kids!” And our mission statement: “To create innovative arts-based programs that help youth solve pressing social problems through collaborative efforts that emphasize the value of each individual.” And then, perhaps, you may read a few blogs, maybe listen to a podcast or sift through some of our fables — and you could be forgiven for wondering, “I thought this was for kids!”
You’re right. The Humanity Project is mainly intended to help kids. And so a brief explanation is in order: As the blurb below our mission statement mentions, we’re adults helping kids to help kids. And sometimes helping kids to help parents as well. But this website is for you, the adult reader. If you look through our many pages on this site, you’ll quickly get the idea. We’re providing you with information about programs that we’ve created with the help of kids, for kids. Adults such as you can aid our efforts to reach more children with those programs. We’re also posting much info about those programs and related issues, including our advice for parents on how to handle bullying. (You’ll find that page by clicking here.) Or take another example such as our podcasts, where you will hear intelligent discussions that can help you to bring our work to the kids who need it. Or our PeacePage or those fables I mentioned — we’re very proud of these works and all the other original Humanity Project materials on this website. Each of them is something you may want to share with the kids in your life in some way or other, either now or when they’re a little older. We think those materials can be great ways to teach … and to inspire.
So think of this website as a library full of ways to help kids deal with some tough issues, including bullying, distracted driving and social isolation — areas where our experience and expertise allow us to make a meaningful contribution. This site is also a gateway to our social media pages and our other websites, which were created for kids, by kids. You can learn more about those sites and connect with them through our Just4kids page, which is atthis link. Yes, indeed. “Helping kids to help kids!” That is the Humanity Project. But we need the assistance of adults like you to do that, helping us to spread our materials and programs around as much as possible. Thanks so much for anything you can do to make that happen.