Why Believe In Humanity?

A fundamental goal of the Humanity Project is to persuade more people to hold this deep belief: a belief in humanity. But you may ask yourself, why is that important? And what does it mean?

For starters, think of things this way. Entire religions are based on one basic belief — Christians are asked to believe in Jesus, for instance, and Muslims to believe in Allah. Followers of these religions feel that great benefits come to them through their bedrock belief. To simply and genuinely believe is to become something new, something better.

The Humanity Project takes no position on religions, of course. We leave it up to individuals to decide for themselves. But we think that a powerful belief in the advancement of humanity, whatever your religious or spiritual beliefs, also brings great benefits both to individuals and to society. Because to truly believe in the value and progress of humanity is to believe in the importance of each human being. The ideas are inseparable: humanity is its individuals and their accomplishments, nothing more or less than that. Individuals of the present as well as of the past and future. And to honestly believe in the equal value of every individual automatically means we each must believe more fully in our own value as an individual. In turn, this fosters a confidence and sense of well-being that contributes to health, achievement and a desire to help others … in other words, to further fulfillment of humanity’s potential.

The details of that process are much more involved, as you would expect. But this can offer a brief explanation of the what and the why of belief in humanity as our fundamental goal at the Humanity Project. If you sign our Pledge For Humanity and then get involved with our work of promoting “Equality For Each, Respect For All” you will soon begin to understand more about all this. It becomes clear by living it. Sign our Pledge For Humanity. Our 15-year-old nonprofit organization focuses on working toward equality and respect with an emphasis on four marginalized communities: LGBTQ, racial minorities, religious minorities and women. The more of us who become part of this effort, the greater and faster our impact. Please, come march alongside us … and believe, really believe, in humanity.

Our 15th Anniversary!

On November 3, 2020, the Humanity Project turns 15! We are proud that our values, programs and ideas have proven lasting. And we’re very grateful to every person and organization that has supported our work. A special shoutout in that context to State Farm, Our Fund, Children’s Services Council of Broward County, Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and Google, among others.

As we look forward to the next 15 years, we also feel pride in the continuing improvement of our organization. Our mission statement has been thoroughly rewritten several times and our motto updated to be as clear, concise and effective as possible. Our Board of Directors and Leadership Council as well as our founder, Bob Knotts, all believe the current mission and motto at last make very plain what we’re fundamentally about. Our mission: “Instilling greater respect for the goodness and inherent value of humanity.” Our motto: “Equality For Each, Respect For All.” We see ourselves as spokespeople for humanity itself, reminding folks in our challenging world that despite all the conflicts and tragedies, among the many setbacks and losses, humanity continues its unsteady advance toward fulfillment. As a species, we are on the march toward equality for each, respect for all. Look around you — you will see the progress in major areas of our lives. Grand advances in human knowledge, major strides in access to water and food for everyone, progress in racial and religious and gender and LGBTQ equality. The work is far far from done, obviously. But step by slow step, humanity is gaining ground … “advancing on Chaos and the Dark,” as Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed it.

You may ask yourself, “What right does the Humanity Project have speaking for humanity? Who are they?” To which we reply, “We have every right, as do you. We are all human beings. We are members of the species Homo sapiens — and our membership automatically grants us the privilege to speak about human life as we see it.” We think a deep belief in humanity fosters belief in the individual human being. And in ourselves as individuals. And this strengthens humanity’s drive toward greater fulfillment of our best traits and abilities.

We take a long view of human history. If you try this for yourself, you’re likely to find it comforting. We each tend to become so lost in the daily flow of dispiriting news, political conflicts and disrespectful words and rampant inequality, that our minds easily lose a more accurate perspective. As Dr. Martin Luther King famously said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” And it also bends toward understanding, wisdom … and spectacular achievement. You and your family and your friends and all of us are the inheritors of a tradition that includes the Mona Lisa and Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, the Parthenon and Petra, Hamlet and Ulysses and Moby Dick. We have stamped our footprints in the dusts of the moon, snapped photographs of galaxies and black holes, launched probes that have passed out of our own solar system toward destinations yet unknown. We have wiped out whole diseases, improved treatments of others. We have traced the obscure records of our history and envisioned ambitious paths to our future. We have gifts not granted to any other species, including the power and flexibility of our imaginations and an extraordinary adaptability.

We are humanity. So are you.

And we also are the Humanity Project. Yes, we’re justifiably proud of all we’ve accomplished in the past 15 years, including the nation’s first mass march against bullying and other large-scale events; effective programs that include Humanity Club, I Care, Antibullying Through The Arts and One Common Humanity; 128 podcasts so far and hundreds of blogs as well as original essays, fables, videos, music and more.

We hope you will become part of the Humanity Project too. Join our campaign at no cost by signing our simple “Pledge For Humanity”: Sign the pledge. Help us to speak on behalf of humanity’s best, assist in the effort to continue our species’ advance toward “equality for each, respect for all.”

A "Borrowed" Fundraiser With LGBTQ Roots

This month you can enjoy a dramatic reading of a new LGBTQ-themed work safely online — and support the Humanity Project at the same time.

“Borrowed” is a new play produced by the team that includes the Humanity Project’s own Willie Fernandez, a Vice President on our Board of Directors. Willie and his Broadway colleagues were just nominated for two Tony awards. Like their previous works, Borrowed is edgy and fresh … and you can see this piece virtually for only $10. Half the proceeds will go to Humanity Project programs.

Buy your tickets at this link: Buy a $10 ticket to Borrowed.

And read about the actors, author and more in this article by longtime theater critic Christine Dolen: Read the article.

Borrowed was written by Willie’s producing partner, Jim Kierstead, featuring actors Rene Lavan and Tim Creavin. It was directed by Conor Bagley. The two-character story revolves around a complex relationship between two gay men, David and Justin. As Dolen’s article explains, “‘Borrowed’ takes place in a bungalow on the New Jersey side of the Hudson River, near the George Washington Bridge. David (Lavan), a lonely older artist whose face bears the scars of cancer surgery, has connected with the younger Justin (Creavin) online, inviting him over with a sexual connection in mind. But things quickly go south, and after David refuses to let Justin leave, their encounter evolves into an intense evening of shared histories and, perhaps, the beginnings of healing.”

This is not a play for children, clearly. Borrowed is an adult drama that will appeal to those who enjoy watching the birth of serious new dramatic works, unoffended by sexual themes. The play will stream from October 22 through October 29 on Broadway Virtual’s YouTube channel. The first October 22 showing at 6:30 p.m. will include a live online talkback with members of the production and Humanity Project Founder Bob Knotts. There also are plans for an in-person showing during November at Drive-In at the Fair in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

We look forward to sharing this theatrical experience with the public. And the Humanity Project is grateful for the money it will raise for us, all to benefit our programs that work toward “Equality For Each, Respect For All.”

Wear Your (Special) Mask

The Humanity Project face mask — now on sale

Now on sale … Not words you hear often from this nonprofit, for sure. But we want you to know that our Humanity Project Store now offers several new designs for those all-important face masks.

We hope you’ll show your support for “Equality For Each, Respect For All” by proudly wearing one of the Humanity Project masks. You can use the link above to go to our store here on this website, where a link will take you to the full store on Cafe Press. Or just go directly to the Cafe Press Humanity Project Store. All purchases are safe and secure, with high quality merchandise guaranteed. Returns are easy too if necessary.

Support our ideas, goals, values and programs — and show the world you believe in humanity! We hope you’ll buy one of our masks today and share the link with friends and family, Thank you!

Meet Our New Leadership Council

The Humanity Project Leadership Council

Allow us to introduce the new Humanity Project Leadership Council. We welcome each of them!

The Leadership Council is a group of committed activists who share the Humanity Project’s goals and values. Each council member leads a team of likeminded individuals, introducing them to those goals and values at regular meetings and motivating them to share our ideas, events and programs with the public. We first formed the council in 2014 with a generous grant from State Farm, one of our major sponsors. Now we have redesigned the Leadership Council with all new members to better carry out our work in the community.

Our six-member council is made up of the following people:

David Weaver: Equality Through Collaboration • Mandi Hawke: LGBTQ Equality • Madelin Marchant: Equality Through Education • Shaikh Shafayat Mohamed: Religious Equality • Gabby Bendel: Racial Equality • Carolina Magnussen: Gender Equality

Each person brings to the Humanity Project decades of experience, knowledge and commitment to helping their fellow human beings. We invite you to learn more about them by reading their brief bios on our website’s new Leadership Council page: Go to the Leadership Council page.

We know that Carolina, Shafayat, Gabby, Madelin, Mandi and David will be great assets in the Humanity Project’s work to help create a society with “Equality For Each, Respect For All.” Like all the rest of us at this nonprofit organization, they believe our motto is more than just words — it offers a way to live our daily lives.

We Believe ... In Humanity

At the Humanity Project, we believe… in humanity itself. The value of our species and every individual.

Please watch this new inspiring video from our Humanity Project YouTube Channel, a discussion that explains our views concisely and clearly:

We take a long view of human history and the moral arc identified by Dr. Martin Luther King. We believe that if human beings embrace unity and collaboration amid our diversity, the equality of every individual, humanity's advance will continue. Please do take a moment to watch the new video … and consider signing the Humanity Project Pledge For Humanity at this link: Sign the pledge.

Thanking Our New Sponsor

Florin Roebig logo.jpg

The Humanity Project is always happy to welcome new sponsors. These organizations and businesses provide essential funding — and without them, we would not be able to move forward in our fight for “Equality For Each, Respect For All.”

Today we are pleased to announce a new sponsorship by the large, respected law firm of Florin/Roebig. With a main office in Palm Harbor, Florida, Florin/Roebig’s trial attorneys represent clients in cases of personal injury, car accidents, medical malpractice, employee rights, construction negligence and product liability. Their other offices are located in Key West, Minneapolis and Dallas. Visit the Florin/Roebig website.

The Humanity Project believes that human beings should show equal respect for every individual — and that includes adopting behavior that we call #respectontheroads. This means having respect for your own life as well as the lives of other motorists when driving. We teach our kids and adults that respectful action on our highways involves attentive driving, without distractions such as cellphones, food and radios. And we encourage children to remind their parents about this concept whenever they’re all in the car together.

We’re glad that Florin/Roebig shares our belief in #respectontheroads. And we are grateful to this law firm for supporting our efforts. Welcome, Florin/Roebig.

Petition For Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter!

The Humanity Project just began a new petition drive that will contact every official in South Florida’s two most populous counties to let them know many of us believe Black Lives Matter. That’s more than 300 police chiefs and other officials in Miami-Dade and Broward counties who will get our message. We’re asking for a ban on chokeholds, mandatory de-escalation training and more. And we need you to add your voice. Sign the petition

Here’s how you can do it: Just go to the link, read the petition and then give us your name and email and zip code. Then click, Add Your Name. That’s it. We’re not going to bother you with emails asking for money or anything else after you sign. But you will increase the number of people demanding changes in a society that remains permeated with racism. Sign the petition

The Humanity Project’s BLM campaign is part of our work for social equality and respect for all individuals. Our efforts focus on often marginalized communities including the LGBTQ population, African Americans and other racial minorities, religious minorities and women. We believe our petition drive for Black Lives Matter can make a difference … if enough of you will help by signing the petition. The more signers, the bigger the impact on those officials. Please do sign. And share the link on your social media. We’re grateful for your support.

Welcoming Two New Board Members

Today we are very proud to introduce two new members of our expanding Humanity Project Board of Directors. We believe they each bring a wealth of experience, knowledge and ideas to our 15-year-old nonprofit organization.

Willie Fernandez is a producer on Broadway, London’s West End, major Chicago theaters as well as in South Florida. His Broadway credits include American Son, Frankie and Johnny in the Claire de Lune, The Inheritance and Mrs. Doubtfire. Willie also is former Managing Editor of the South Florida Sun Sentinel newspaper. This background of working in our community as well as in the international arts scene will offer us fresh perspectives and forge useful collaborations for the Humanity Project.

Willie Fernandez

Elsa Lopez is a psychotherapist in private practice at Bayview Therapy as well as at the Source Addiction Center. A proud member of the LGBTQ community, she also serves as a volunteer therapist at SunServe. For more than 20 years before entering the mental health field, Elsa served as a corporate attorney and then as Vice President of Programming Acquisitions at DIRECTV. Again, this wide-ranging work history will help advance our mission in a variety of ways, including valuable guidance for our programs and events.

Elsa Lopez

Both these new board members now strengthen our group’s passionate commitment to inspire greater respect for the goodness and inherent value of humanity. We are grateful to each of them — and we warmly welcome Elsa and Willie to our Humanity Project family!

"I Am Somebody!"

Zoom image during the July 23 Humanity Club virtual session

At the Humanity Project, nobody is just anybody. We strongly believe, and teach, that everybody is somebody.

When human beings know their own value, they also naturally value others. So our Humanity Club sessions emphasize the importance of the kids in our program, whether we’re live in the classroom as in the past or online now during the pandemic. They learn, for instance, that all human beings are made of stardust. Literally. We teach them the science behind that knowledge — and help them feel the poetry and beauty of the idea. Each week, the entire group several times calls out key phrases such as, “I am somebody! I am special!” And we talk about why this is true for them, what makes each child somebody, what makes each special. And then they learn how to use those wonderful qualities so they can help others.

Everything is connected to the Humanity Project’s mission of working toward equality for each, respect for all. Our students understand they can do something to advance that cause by the way they act in daily life… and we work with them to come up with concrete ideas to create a more respectful community where everyone has an equal value.

But no one can accomplish such things if they don’t believe in themselves. Or if they’re afraid. So the Humanity Club curriculum includes lessons on overcoming fears. Look at this drawing, which one of our kids cranked out in 15 minutes during the July 23 Humanity Club.

Afraid of lions? Not anymore.

It shows one young girl’s fear of lions — and the cage she built in her imagination to protect herself from harm. Other children depicted different fears and different ways to conquer them, including a fear of the dark, of scary movies … and in one case, of getting bad grades! But each student had the chance to consider what that fear meant, why they had it and how they might let go of it. This is just one of the many life lessons learned in our Humanity Club program. And that program is just one of several the Humanity Project offers for free.

We hope you may want to get involved with our work, whether by volunteering or donating … or simply spreading our ideas on social media. Look over our resources here on this website as well as on our other sites, www.thp4kids.com and www.thp4parents.com. You’ll find that the Humanity Project truly does believe everybody is somebody. Somebody very special.

Check Out Our Podcast!

This will be a brief post. Mostly because we’d like you to listen rather than read.

A new podcast has just been posted — and we think you’ll find it very interesting. Our wonderful friend from State Farm, Corporate Responsibility Analyst Jose Soto, is interviewed about two important community programs: Neighborhood Assist and Virtual Back to School Drive. Both are State Farm programs and each helps fund vital efforts that many communities need. Won’t you listen — and if you can, consider taking part? You just might win $25,000. Listen to the new podcast.

Reaching Out While Staying In

Humanity Club, pandemic-style

The Humanity Project is based on connection, cooperation, collaboration. Our work requires being there, in person, to teach and explain, to motivate and inspire.

Or so we thought.

As folks all around the world are learning, this horrible pandemic has a way of forcing us to find new approaches to familiar tasks. For the Humanity Project, this has included holding our acclaimed Humanity Club meetings online. Humanity Club works with young kids of color to help them understand respect for all as well as the meaning of equality. We also develop their leadership skills and encourage our kids to take these lessons to their peers.

This summer we’re again working through Broward County’s Parks Department here in South Florida, with great thanks to Ms. Orika Carty. The kids are great and so is Ms. Carty and her staff.

Of course we’re hoping to get back into the classroom with the children soon — and to begin our other programs in-person as intended. But meanwhile, the Humanity Project is reaching out by staying in… and continuing our important work as we keep our distance to help stop the spread of an awful disease.