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Fabled Lives

Fabled Lives

We want you to know about a special book, with 100% of royalties for the first two years going directly to the Humanity Project. That audiobook is called, “Fabled Lives: Simple Stories You Need For Living In A Complex World.” You’ll find it available on Apple Books, Walmart, Google Play, Barnes and Noble and nearly every other major seller of audio-only books. (Amazon/Audible does not sell books that are available only on audio.) Or you can just visit the Author’s Guild website of Robert Spencer Knotts, who wrote the fables and the original music that accompanies each story in this charming book: Visit the author’s website.

That author, of course, is also the founder and president of the Humanity Project, Bob Knotts. He wrote these dozen fables over a period of 14 years — and they are posted for free on this website: Visit our Fables page. One of them is even posted here in an audio version. Overwhelmingly, those fables are the most popular feature on the Humanity Project website, attracting hits daily from nations spread around the globe on six continents.

Now you can enjoy them all in a single new audiobook, produced and engineered by Matt Corey — an award-winning sound designer and a VP on the Humanity Project Board of Directors. The audiobook is professional quality and runs more than an hour long. You’ll find these morality tales written for an adult audience, or even older kids. Each carries a clear lesson as fables have for centuries, from Aesop on down. Enjoy them, pass them along to friends and family … and maybe give them a little thought as well. They are cleverly written but, yes, simple stories we all can use for living in this very very complex world of ours.