Our Fund Foundation has grown into a national presence: Our Fund now is this country’s third largest LGBTQ foundation. This amazing organization under the leadership of the dynamic David Jobin supports, in their own words, “people who care, causes that matter.” The Humanity Project is proud that Our Fund is one of our longtime major sponsors.
Our partnership has become even stronger in recent days, with important generous new funding that allows the Humanity Project to expand our acclaimed antibullying programs with a focus on key human values — equality, diversity, respect-for-all, self-worth. This means we reach many more kids, influence many more lives through Our Fund’s vital support. And stop the bullying that disproportionately damages young LGBTQ students.
One of our many Humanity Project kids, delivering an important message
At a time when schools are under political assault, including Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, the Humanity Project knows it’s more important than ever to connect in meaningful ways with students about core values. Values that help prevent bullying, encourage common decency and teach the central significance of healthy relationships with others and with oneself. That’s what our Humanity Club and Antibullying Through The Arts programs do. We are lucky, very lucky, that the good folks at Our Fund understand this too.
Our Fund continues to progress as an organization, efforts that include their new strategic plan. Kudos not only to David Jobin, then, but also to wonderful people such as Obed Caballero, Mark Blaylock, Ted Vasquez, Wendy Flores-Bravo as well as Board Chair Scott Bennett and too many others to name. They are a great team. And together they make this community a much better place. Thank you, Our Fund Foundation, for helping the Humanity Project to do more and be more. We would not be the same without you. (Check out our new Humanity Project video: “Thank you, Our Fund!”)