(Editor’s Note: This post is adapted from the May 2013 Humanity Project email newsletter, Humanity News. You can sign up to receive the free newsletter once each month by clicking on the “Go” button in the right-hand column of this home page under “Sign up for our Email Newsletter.” We ask only for your email address.)
Wow! We really hope you’ll check out this new website, totally created by teens, for teens … for the Humanity Project. Talented students in Ms. Madeline Rosario’s web design classes took our I Care book and ran with it — and came up with this site for our program. They even recorded a music version of the I Care book’s rap poem, then created an animated video to go with it. You’ll find this on the home page, which is shown in a screenshot photo posted with this blog. (The video is a large file and can take a moment to load on some browsers. Just click and wait briefly … and have your speakers on for sure!) Here’s the I Care website address: www.thehumanityproject.com/icare
At the core of this new website, of course, is our innovative book, created with funding from our great friends at State Farm. Students can download it (and the cool friend-to-friend safe driving pledge) for free at that same web address. We promoted that book in April to about 500 senior students at South Plantation High, where Ms. Rosario teaches. Now we’ll use the new website to attract many more teens all around the country to that book so they can share I Care with friends … and possibly save their friends’ lives in the process. There’s lots more happening to promote our cool teen driver safety program too. Including other clever videos as well as I Care sites on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.
The Humanity Project still is doing all the great stuff we’ve always done such as our signature Anti-bullying Through The Arts program. The common thread among our work is this: The Humanity Project creates programs that offer new ways to use cooperation and social connection to tackle problems. Those problems now include school bullying, distracted teen driving and socially isolated youth, especially LGBT youth. Many major nonprofits such as CARE offer a variety of programs that center around a larger goal, not just one narrow task. At the Humanity Project, we believe that same approach provides a core mission for our work but allows us to innovate in any area where we feel our contribution will be new and valuable to the community. We really do care — and our I Care website and other program elements are simply one more expression of this.