One of the Humanity Project’s great friends is a talented singer and songwriter and author as well as a peace activist. Her name is Haikaa Yamamoto. Haikaa is a longtime member of this organization and a collaborator with the Humanity Project on our website’s PeacePage, which you can view from our Home Page.
I’m telling you this because last week Haikaa wrote a blog about our innovative teen driver safety program, I Care: Just Let Me Drive. We wanted to share the link to that blog, which is posted on the website, Bicultural Mama: Celebrating the Best of Both Worlds. Here’s the link to Haikaa’s blog:
We’re grateful to our new friends at Bicultural Mama for posting this short piece about I Care — and we hope it may help their readers to share information about our free driver safety program with teens who need it. As Haikaa writes in her blog: “Designed by teens for teens, the I Care program includes a website, a book and videos all available for free for teenage drivers. Everything about I Care is aimed at getting friends to take care of their friends which I think is wonderful. As a mother of two young adults, I remember how powerless I felt during those teenage years when everything I said to my kids was ‘stupid and duh’ and the absolute truth was always something their peers said. That’s how it goes. Teenagers trust other teenagers and I Care derives its strength precisely from that bond.”
Thank you, Haikaa — we couldn’t have said it better ourselves. To see what I Care is all about, just visit the website at I also hope you may want to find out more about Haikaa, perhaps listening to some of her uplifting and insightful songs. The easy way to do that is through her Facebook page at We appreciate Haikaa’s efforts to let more folks know about the Humanity Project — and as always, we find inspiration in her consistently positive work.