Things are slowly changing in the United States — and I suspect in some other countries too. Changing attitudes about the way we drive. Yes, it’s true that far too many drivers pay little attention to handling a car when they’re on the highways. They check email, text friends, talk to business associates and whatever else. Eating a hamburger? Why not? Cranking up the tunes to deafening volumes? What’s the problem, right? Except that, slowly slowly slowly, those attitudes are evolving. More and more folks recognize the profound dangers of distracted driving.
At the Humanity Project, we are dong our part to help. Specifically, our unique I Care: Just Let Me Drive program for teen drivers is reaching more and more of the young people who need it. And their parents too. We now have another way that you can quickly and easily learn more about I Care. Our latest podcast offers selections from our I Care program, with a few brief readings from the teen-created I Care book. You’ll also hear the complete rap song that our teen artists wrote and performed, a cool tune they turned into an animated video on our I Care website. And we chat during the podcast with Jose Soto of State Farm, the public-spirited company that’s the major sponsor of I Care.
To listen to the new podcast, just click here.We call the show, “Driver Safety Lessons Teens Remember.” And this is exactly what I Care: Just Let Me Drive is all about. We avoid scare tactics and instead offer driver safety lessons that are fun and funny. And memorable, all of it made by teens for their peers. We believe I Care can prevent accidents, injuries and deaths. You can help us do that by spreading the free I Care program to the teens in your life — and you may want to start by listening to the new podcast to hear what it’s all about. Thanks so much. We appreciate anything you can do to let teens and families know about I Care.