Girl Scouts working on I Care to learn the dangers of distracted driving.
We wanted to share two fun new pics with you today. We were lucky at the Humanity Project to meet an energetic, community-minded woman named Susan Tomchin, a Girl Scout troop leader in South Florida. Ms. Tomchin contacted us about our I Care/Just Let Me Drive teen driver safety program: Could she give the program to her driving-age Girl Scouts? Yes, she could … and did. At no cost to her or the Girl Scouts or anyone but the Humanity Project. Our program is free, thanks to our sponsors.
Girl Scout Troop #10717, with I Care books
Here is what this Girl Scout troop posted on the Facebook page of Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida: “Troop #10717 visited CarMax in Pompano Beach as part of their Driving My Financial Future/Buying Power badge work. Not only did they learn how to comparison-shop for a car, but how different features including safety ones factor into the car buying process. The girls also took a pledge to Not Text while driving as part of the Humanity Project/icare. Way to go, girls! What a great way to learn about making your first car purchase and staying safe while driving.”
Definitely, way to go, girls! We’re proud of you!