On November 3, 2005, the State of Florida incorporated a new nonprofit organization called The Humanity Project.
Bob Knotts
As The Humanity Project’s founder, I paid the state fees out of my own pocket — and paid for just about everything else too for the next few years. Now that this group is turning 10-years-old, I’m proud of what its become. And we hope you’ll help us to celebrate during our two-month, holiday-time 10 year anniversary party, something we’re calling the “10 By 10 Humanity Party.” Meaning, “10 years and 10 dollars” for our cause. That’s all we’re asking you for. Only ten dollars, tax-deductible.
Just go to our Join/Donate page, where you can send us the money through the JustGive donate button or the QR code, which connects your smartphone to our JustGive donation page. It’s very safe and secure. Or you can mail your donation to our office in South Florida, located outside Fort Lauderdale: The Humanity Project, 604 NE 2nd Street, #331, Dania Beach, FL 33004.
There are other ways you can help us during the 10 By 10 Humanity Party. We’d love our supporters to throw their own Humanity Party, asking a few friends to get together for a TV football night or a movie or a dinner, each person contributing their $10 to help our kids. The party organizer then can send us the money through JustGive or by mail. Instead of a holiday party this year, why not hold your own Humanity Party as a way to bring together people to make life better for children? It’s easy and fun.
We’ll also soon conduct a national online auction through PayPal’s charitable giving arm — and as you can see in the previous blog post, we’ll be offering some quality items for you to pick up. Often at a fraction of the retail cost. Look for more information about our 10 By 10 Humanity Party Auction in this blog very soon.
Yes, as the organization has grown we need more and more of the funding that is the oxygen for any nonprofit. Without money, the Humanity Project can’t do much. I still draw no salary from the Humanity Project, nor does anyone else. All funds go toward our programs, something that’s not changed during our entire 10 years. Sometimes I still pay Humanity Project expenses from my own pocket. That hasn’t changed either. But much is different now than when I founded the group. We organized and led the nation’s first mass children’s march against bullying. We have three major programs that have helped tens of thousands of children around the United States. We created our PeacePage and more than 100 podcasts, plus several hundred blogs, videos, fables and other materials. All of it is free to the public — schools, hospitals, universities, companies, individuals. Anyone or anything can use our work at no cost. We want our positive ideas, programs and materials to help as many people as possible. The Humanity Project grew out of my writing career, an effort to translate my beliefs about how to improve the world from the page to the community. I’m the author of 24 books, five plays and countless poems and articles and blogs. The Humanity Project connects my ideas to the real world through action such as our acclaimed Anti-bullying Through The Arts program, our unique and effective I Care teen driver safety program … and our extraordinarythp4kids.com website for socially isolated youth.
I’m very pleased with all that we’ve accomplished so far. We have a great Board of Directors and many student and adult volunteers to help carry out our work. Please consider joining our efforts in whatever way you can as we move forward into a new decade of “Helping kids to help kids.”