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  • Most podcasts run 20-30 minutes long.
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Teaching Parents To Prevent Teen Auto Crashes | Celebrate My Drive -- Again | Stopping School Violence | Generosity Philosophy | I Care 2.0 | Teens Saving Teens | Celebrate My Drive | Driver Safety Lessons Teens Remember | A Look Back - Podcast 100 | Clowning For Sick Kids | Friends & Neighbors | Something Special 4 Kids | Let Us Help You | What Is Diversity? | I Care | Making Kids Well | Social Connections For Peace | More Good Neighbors | A Podcast About You | Global Humanity Adding Our Own Drop | Mideast & Humanity | Larger Than Ourselves | Of Humanity -- And Japan | Preventing Child Abuse | Shared Value | 12 Days of Sharing | A Shared Value Story | You Are What You Think | Good News For You | Kids Helping Kids | Win-Win 4 Kids | Our New Website | Fabled Fairy Tale... For Grownups | Bullying & Conflict Resolution | Good Neighbors | Helping Haiti - And More | Humanity Blogs | Courage & Endurance: Revisited | Me- First Mary... With Music | With Thanks to Michael Jackson | Art As An Anti-Bullying Weapon | Youth Problems, Youth Solutions | Humanity Music: Our Symphony Orchestra | Beyond Anti-Bullying | Throw a "Freedom from Bullying" Party! __________________________________________________________________________________

Our podcasts are supported by State Farm Insurance www.statefarm.com

and Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital www.jdch.com:

JDCH -- good current thumbnail

Music, interviews and commentaries in these programs are created by the Humanity Project.

Our podcasts also are available on iTunes for free download: Click here.


Our Latest Podcast

Teaching Parents To Prevent Teen Auto Crashes
We talk with a teen and her father as well as a State Farm representative about a new Humanity Project program, which shows parents how to help their teenagers prevent auto crashes: 34 minutes

Our Podcast Archives

Celebrate My Drive -- Again
The program is a new conversation with Jose Soto of State Farm about their popular annual teen safe driving campaign called Celebrate My Drive: 23 minutes
Stopping School Violence
Dr. Laura Finley, Humanity Project Board VP and Associate Professor at Barry University, discusses her new book, "School Violence," and her other work to promote peace: 32 minutes
Generosity Philosophy
We interview Kim Trumbo, founder of the popular Generosity Philosophy Podcast, about her efforts to shine a light on people who are working to help others: 38 minutes
I Care 2.0
We talk about the big expansion of the Humanity Project's I Care teen driver safety program, made possible by a new grant from State Farm: 35 minutes
Teens Saving Teens
A conversation with two Florida high school students working to help the Humanity Project's I Care program prevent teen traffic accidents, injuries and deaths: 32 minutes
Celebrate My Drive
We discuss a major national campaign to help teens watch the road more carefully when they drive: 30 minutes
Driver Safety Lessons Teens Remember
We present selections from the Humanity Project I Care teen driver safety program and talk with an official of State Farm, a major Humanity Project sponsor: 26 minutes
A Look Back - Podcast 100
A celebration of 100 podcasts by the Humanity Project: 34 minutes
Clowning For Sick Kids
An interview with the longtime clown at Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital, offering Lotsy Dotsy's heartfelt memories of her kids: 33 minutes
Friends & Neighbors
We talk about the many ways State Farm Insurance helps the Humanity Project, and the broader community, to improve the lives of students: 29 minutes
Something Special 4 Kids
A discussion with a teacher and two of the students helping the Humanity Project create thp4kids.com: 26 minutes
Let Us Help You
The Humanity Project's founder gives a short tour of the many free resources available to the public on this website: 25 minutes
What Is Diversity?
A conversation with singer-songwriter Haikaa Yamamoto about her first book, What Is Diversity?, and how her ideas relate to the work of the Humanity Project: 40 minutes
I Care - Saving Teen Lives
Interviews with a student who's helping to create the Humanity Project's innovative teen-to-teen driver safety program and with an official from State Farm, major sponsor of the program: 30 minutes
Making Kids Well
A conversation with officials from Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital about their efforts in the community to improve life for children: 30 minutes
Social Connections For Peace
A discussion between the co-creators of the Humanity Project's PeacePage, which brings together nonprofits and individuals from all seven continents in a cooperative effort to build greater understanding: 35 minutes
More Good Neighbors
An official with State Farm Insurance talks about his company's efforts to save young lives and improve the community: 33 minutes
A Podcast About You
This program discusses ways that our original science-based ideas about cooperation and social connection can help individuals to live fuller, better lives: 29 minutes
Global Humanity
Our efforts to use cooperation and social connection to solve problems are explored in this program about our new partnership with an important nonprofit group in Egypt: 23 minutes
Adding Our Own Drop
We discuss the importance of making our individual contributions to society, adding our own "drop in the ocean" of change: 24 minutes
Adding Our Own Drop
Mideast & Humanity
A recent trip to Egypt and other Mideast nations offers the backdrop for reflections on building understanding between their culture and ours based on a common humanity: 28 minutes
Larger Than Ourselves
Our founder discusses the Humanity Project’s efforts to teach cooperation and social connection and reads our latest original fable about being part of something larger than ourselves: 32 minutes
Of Humanity -- And Japan
This interview with musician and humanitarian Haikaa Yamamoto includes a discussion of her work to help people recognize their individual value: 38 minutes
Preventing Child Abuse
We talk about this important issue with Andrew Leone, chair of a community-wide coalition (including the Humanity Project) that’s fighting child abuse: 32 minutes
Shared Value
This podcast offers a short primer on the Humanity Project’s original core philosophy of shared value: 30 minutes
Shared Value
12 Days of Sharing
This podcast offers a holiday idea that’s good for any time of year, all about helping children to understand more about human values: 21 minutes.
12 Days of Sharing
A Shared Value Story
The Humanity Project’s latest original fable for grownups is read by the author, a story dealing with this group’s win-win idea called “shared value.”
You Are What You Think
A conversation with Gabriela Pinto, longtime Humanity Project member and volunteer and author of the website: Good News For You
Samples from the Humanity Project’s free monthly newsletter, with positive information that can help people. Good News For You Kids Helping Kids
We read samples from the two books written by 7th and 8th grade Humanity Project volunteers to help elementary schoolkids stop bullying. Kids Helping Kids
Win-Win 4 Kids
In this podcast, we look at the Humanity Project’s innovative program for at-risk children that also helps stop school bullying.
Win-Win 4 Kids

Our New Website

This podcast offers a tour of the Humanity Project’s completely redesigned website at www.thehumanityproject.com
Our New Website Fabled Fairy Tale … For Grownups
An original Humanity Project fable for adults, “The Tale of the Yellowbright Flower,” is read by the author accompanied by original music. Fabled Fairy Tale... For Grownups Bullying & Conflict Resolution An interview with Rebecca Nicholson, a Ph.D. student in conflict resolution and top Humanity Project volunteer, discussing this group’s in-school anti-bullying program. Bullying & Conflict Resolution Good Neighbors An interview with two officials from State Farm Insurance, a Humanity Project sponsor and an active voice in the communities it serves. Good Neighbors Helping Haiti - And More Humanity Project member and volunteer, Gwendolyn Lai, is interviewed in this program, which discusses the group’s recent efforts to help provide relief for Haiti and plans for a new children’s website. Helping Haiti - And More Humanity Blogs We read and discuss a few key blogs about human values from the Humanity Project website. Humanity Blogs Courage & Endurance: Revisited This program tells the astonishing true story of explorer Ernest Shackleton, which is among the most powerful tales of human endurance, perseverance and courage and a shining example to us all. Courage & Endurance: Revisited Me-First Mary … With Music The Humanity Project’s president/founder, Robert Spencer Knotts, reads the group’s latest fable for adults and premieres an original musical composition, all themed to the idea of giving to others. Me-First Mary... With Music With Thanks to Michael Jackson A discussion and interview about the Humanity Project’s new original anti-bullying video for kids, loosely based on Michael Jackson’s classic “Beat It.” With Thanks to Micheal Jackson Art As An Anti-bullying Weapon A discussion with two pre-teen girls and the creative director of a performing arts school about using the arts to overcome bullying and other youth problems. Art As An Anti-Bullying Weapon Youth Problems, Youth Solutions A discussion with a high school student and his father, who works for a youth services agency, about common problems among young people and how involvement can help them overcome these issues. Youth Problems, Youth Solutions Humanity Music: Our Symphony Orchestra The Humanity Project offers original theme music for each podcast and, in this program, takes listeners inside the recording studio to show how symphonic and other music is achieved for these shows. Humanity Music: Our Symphony Orchestra