Celebrate My Drive


As the school year begins, our friends at State Farm are busy working with students as usual. And as their partner in helping prevent teen traffic accidents, the Humanity Project is happy to help promote State Farm’s 2014 edition of the Celebrate My Drive campaign. We recently recorded a podcast with Jose Soto, the company’s terrific public affairs specialist in Florida. Jose is a good friend of the community — and the Humanity Project.In the new podcast, we discuss Celebrate My Drive as well as the Humanity Project’s innovative I Care: Just Let Me Drive program. You can catch the entertaining podcast by clicking on this link: Listen to the podcast. 

This year’s Celebrate My Drive will involve high schools all over the United States, each one registered at no cost through State Farm to take part in the contest. Those schools that collect the highest number of safe driving commitments will win grants of as much as $100,000. The top two schools also receive a concert from The Band Perry  — performed at their school. To register, just go to the Celebrate My Drive website: Visit Celebrate My Drive.  At the Humanity Project, we believe that Celebrate My Drive helps to engage thousands more teens in an effort to make driving safer for themselves and their peers. Remember, traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among teens, killing more young people than cancer, homicide and suicide combined. That’s a powerful incentive for all of us to do what we can to stop these tragedies. Celebrate My Drive is one part of the solution and we are proud to be State Farm’s partner in the campaign.

Comments Please!


We love to get comments from you. So today, we’re reminding you the easiest ways to do that. Comments, questions, suggestions, constructive advice — all are welcomed by everyone at the Humanity Project. One quick route to our attention is by going to the Contact page, which you’ll find among the horizontal menu listings above. There’s both a phone number and an email address: info@thehumanityproject.com. Just give us a shout by phone or email. Then we have all kinds of social media where you can send us a comment or post your thoughts. Here’s a list of those addresses for you:














So yes, remember that we love to hear from you any time. Drop us a comment soon, won’t you?

Anti-Bullying that Sticks Inside Young Minds


We were very pleased to get yet more confirmation recently that our acclaimed Anti-bullying Through The Arts program works — and sticks in the minds of kids for a long time! We received a lovely email from a guidance counselor who has twice brought the Humanity Project into her elementary school to present our program. And we wanted to share that email with you here:

“I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for the amazing and unforgettable Anti-bullying program presented to our Endeavour Primary Learning Center students last school year – 2013-2014. As the school’s guidance counselor, I often go into the classroom to discuss this very important topic (bullying) and I find that the students always revert or refer to the Humanity Project’s presentation (the students often repeat the phrases, songs – “No Bullying around”and discuss scenes from the skits) This presentation catered to all the styles of learning (visual, auditory and kinesthetic) and as a result, the students were able to retain information presented. Because of  the positive and motivational impact of this program, we are hoping that you will be able to present the program once again during the new school year, 2014-2015.

As always, thank you.

Sherine Davis, Guidance Counselor / Endeavour Primary Learning Center”

Thanks so much, Ms. Davis — we know you to be a fine guidance counselor and we’re pleased to bring our program to your school again this year. Most of all, we’re happy to hear once more that Anti-bullying Through The Arts offers lessons that truly change student attitudes about bullying in the schools we visit. As you may know by now, the Humanity Project is an empirically based organization, relying on scientific research as well as our own direct experience to fashion programs in innovative ways. For this reason, we’ve always conducted pre and post testing for Anti-bullying Through The Arts. Those test scores over the past five years show impressive results and, by the way, we’re happy to give those results to anyone who wants to see the numbers. For now, though, we hope you’ll share this blog with friends or colleagues who may want to bring the Humanity Project’s Anti-bullying Through The Arts program to their school. It really does work!

School Bell About to Ring


As we enter August, the Humanity Project looks forward to busy days ahead. Very busy indeed. That’s because much of our work takes place in the schools, one way or another. We present our Anti-bullying Through The Arts program to elementary school kids. We take our I Care: Just Let Me Drive program to high school students. And our great new website for socially isolated youth, www.thp4kids.com, will be heavily promoted in the 2014-15 school year too, with an eye toward attracting more young people who can benefit from this student-made resource. We often work with students to create our programs, like the group of kids in that photo to the right. They performed in our first big anti-bullying music video, which now is used around the United States and Canada.

So yep, the beginning of school means the beginning of our busiest season, starting in mid-August and continuing right through June. We’re excited to get going. And since you’re already on our website, please make sure to check out the many resources posted here that can help your kids as they return to the classroom. It is all free. There’s never a charge for any Humanity Project program, something we can do because of our great sponsors. So a big thanks to them as the school bell rings … and thanks to you as well. Your interest in the Humanity Project helps us to help many more kids by spreading our materials to your friends, family and students. And we appreciate it.

Public Supports Tough Ban on Texting While Driving


We found this very encouraging. The National Safety Council reported in their Summer 2014 newsletter that the public at last seems to be awakening to the dangers of texting while driving. And there is support for tough penalties. As you may remember, the Humanity Project created a wonderful program to discourage teenagers from distracted driving. We call it, I Care: Just Let Me Drive, a program developed by teenagers under our guidance to motivate their peers. More teens die from auto accidents than any other cause. But it’s not only kids. We all see adults doing wacky things on the roads — everything except paying attention to their driving. Here’s the brief article, word for word, from the National Safety Council newsletter. We hope you find it as hopeful as we do:

“New findings from a National Safety Council public opinion poll indicate 73% of respondents think there should be more enforcement of texting laws, while only 22% said the current level of enforcement is fine. When asked what type of penalties they’d like to see, 52% of poll participants chose penalties including a point system that could lead to the loss of a driver’s license or increased insurance costs, 51% were in favor of different levels of penalties for first vs. repeat offenses and half thought large monetary fines should be used. For years, there has been widespread opposition to texting behind the wheel. Polls like these show the public is behind stronger penalties as most people recognize that it will take more than awareness campaigns to stop this dangerous behavior. About 5% of crashes are estimated to involve texting while driving. However, talking on a cell phone, either hands-free or handheld, is estimated to be involved in 21% of crashes. Continue spreading the message that hands-free is not risk-free, so the public can understand the true dangers of the cell phone conversation as well.” Encouraging news indeed. The Humanity Project supports this effort to make our roads safer for all of us. We hope you’ll share the link to this blog with your friends and family … and add your voice to the growing call for laws that will help stop texting while driving.

Kayla's Song


Can you spare 54 seconds? Just 54 seconds to watch something inspiring? Yes, of course, I know. We’re all busy. Very busy. And we’re all inundated with this and that coming to us through our computers. This joke from a friend, that link from a colleague. Or whatever. But this particular link is something created by a special student who has worked with the Humanity Project for the past three years. 

Her name is Kayla, an openly gay student and president of a Gay-Straight Alliance chapter at a South Florida high school. Kayla has graduated now. But before leaving South Plantation High School last spring, she put together this video for our www.thp4kids.comwebsite — a site built from the ground up by magnet school students especially for their peers who may feel socially isolated, including LGBT students. If you’ve not checked out the website, please do. But for now, well, maybe you can start with “Kayla’s Song,” as she titled it. We believe you’ll feel it was 54 seconds well spent.

Anti-Bullying Resources for You


Yes, indeed. The Humanity Project’s highly regarded Anti-bullying Through The Arts program has generated many free materials to help you deal with bullying, especially if you’re a parent worried about aggression in school. Those resources are as close as another mouse click. Just look over in the right-hand column of this home page. Beneath our “head” logo and the signup for our email newsletter, you’ll find a listing of major pages on this website. Scroll down 11 items under Pages, until you find something called, “Anti-bullying Advice For Parents.” Additional anti-bullying writings are there too, including articles by our Humanity Project Board Vice President, Dr. Laura Finley of Barry University.

But that’s not all. Not by any means. Open up our Videos/Music page, also here on this website. All-original Humanity Project anti-bullying videos are posted and so is our own anti-bullying rap song, which kids love by the way. Or click on our YouTube link toward the top left of the home page. Lots of anti-bullying videos there, all of them created by us … and available to you at no cost. Or maybe your teens would enjoy our website created by their peers: www.thp4kids.com. It offers them a large anti-bullying section to explore. All in all, we have much material that can help you and your kids to better handle school bullying. As always, we have to thank our sponsors for their financial support, which makes this possible for us to do free of charge. One hundred percent of our money goes into our programs. We’re proud of that. And we hope you’ll make good use of our anti-bullying information and other works whenever you may need them.

Be Our Guest


Oh yes … We’d love to have you as our guest. Meaning, as an official Humanity Project Guest Blogger!

You may have noticed in recent weeks that we’ve been posting guest blogs more frequently. Just scroll down a bit and you’ll find some of them. As an author of 24 books, and founder of the Humanity Project, I have been writing most of the blogs for our organization since we began in 2005. But I love welcoming other voices, other perspectives to our large and informative website. Voices such as Lisa Bonet, a mental health writer who last week told us about the physical illnesses that bullying can cause. Or Bob LaMendola, who works for the Florida Department of Health and also serves on our Board of Directors. Bob recently wrote about a session with other nonprofit groups at Children’s Services Council of Broward County that offered him an insightful view of living in poverty. All this to say, if you feel you have something to offer our many blog readers by all means please get in touch and pitch us your idea. We don’t pay anything, of course — 100% of our money goes into our programs. But you will have the satisfaction that comes from an enthusiastic readership as well as from sharing your experience with more of those people who may benefit from it. To suggest your idea, just go to the Contact page on this website and send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you!

Bullying and Physical Illness: The Connection

The Humanity Project works to stop bullying

The Humanity Project works to stop bullying

(Editor’s Note: This blog was written and provided to the Humanity Project by Lisa Bonet, a writer on mental health issues. We believe it focuses on a little understood consequence of bullying. A portion of the article and a link to the full story by Ms. Bonet are included in the post below.)

The mental impact of bullying is well-known, with anxiety and depression in later life being heavily linked with childhood bullying. However, what isn’t as well known is the physical impact bullying can have. Tension headaches, muscle pain, stomach problems and weight fluctuation can all be a physical result of bullying. This startling information indicates that bullying is a huge issue which needs to be stopped in order to save the health of those being bullied. If you’re being bullied or know someone who is, this articletells you the physical affects it can have on you and advice on what you should do. The beginning of the article is here:

Physical Effects Of Bullying

Government figures show that at least a quarter of children experience bullying at school and according to the Workplace Bullying Institute more than a third of adults are bullied in the workplace. While bullying has a serious impact on mental well-being, with victims more prone to anxiety, low mood, disturbed sleep, reduced confidence and problems with low self-esteem, bullying can also trigger a range of physical health problems. From aches and pains to increased susceptibility to infections and digestive upset, experiencing harassment at school or work can leave you more vulnerable to ill-health, which in part explains why you are more likely to take more sick days when bullied. Here we take a look at the physical effects of bullying and why they occur.

The Stress Response

Bullying doesn’t just place you under mental stress; it places your body under physical stress as well. Exposure to stress triggers a series of physical changes within your body, known as the fight-flight response, designed to protect you from danger. In its simplest terms, when your brain recognizes a stressful situation, it stimulates the release of a hormone that encourages your kidneys to release epinephrine. This in turn triggers the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which raises your blood pressure and pulse, increases your blood sugar levels and prepares your muscles for action, while suppressing less essential processes such as immune and digestive function. While these changes are effective at protecting us from danger, when triggered on a daily basis due to bullying, this is bad news for us and explains the physical effects experienced by victims.

Read the rest of this article.

Walking a MIle ...

(Editor’s Note: This blog was written especially for the Humanity Project by Bob LaMendola, treasurer of the Humanity Project Board of Directors. Mr. LaMendola is a former journalist who specialized in health stories. He now is in Community Affairs at the Florida Department of Health in Broward County.)

I have gone through my whole life thinking I’m pretty good at handling money. But now I have tasted crow. A mere three hours of pretending to survive on a subsistence paycheck showed me and 67 other middle-class people the incredible difficulties of living without means. This eye-opening and humbling experience was a poverty simulation sponsored by the Children’s Services Council of Broward County and the University of Florida. It’s an exercise that every elected official should undergo. If they did, they may not be so quick to cut social services when times get tight.

Each person at the exercise was assigned to play a character with a life story spelled out. Then over the three hours, we all tried to get through a month of paying bills and keeping ourselves fed. Spoiler alert – my family had no food for a while, and we ended up getting evicted. I played a 52-year-old woman with limited English who was making about $12 an hour working a steady job. My disabled “husband” could not work, so he stayed home taking care of our school-age granddaughter and grandson, the boy with attention deficit disorder.

Now in real life, I’m the kind of guy who pays the bills on time and in full, and would rather stash money in the bank than buy myself the latest electronic device or new shoes. I figured I could stretch even a small household budget, no prob. In the simulation, it was a struggle catching the bus to work so my husband could use the car to run errands and manage the kids, who would have been a handful even for Bill Cosby. Our first week, we let the rent go and spent the paycheck on a car payment and another bill. Plenty of month left for rent. We felt like we were getting by. In the second week, we got a notice telling us we had not bought groceries and the kids had no food. What the .. ? How did that happen? My husband had paid utilities but never made it to the market. I was always working when the store was open. Jeez, we had been neglectful. But we were doing better than some others around us. One family was so short of money, they happily kept some cash the neighbor dropped on the ground. Others pawned appliances. The third week, we got a kick in the gut. The car broke down. We had no transportation vouchers left, so I couldn’t get to work. I told myself I would have called the boss and explained my absence, so we spent our money getting the car fixed. Now we were up against it on the rent. Our next check had to go to the bank. But when I showed up for work on Monday of the final week, I was in deep ca-ca. The boss said she never heard from me when I missed work, and had been told by her boss to cut the staff. I was it. I tried to explain, but remember, my English is not so good and it was too late. Fired!

I rallied my husband to drag the kids to get some social services, and through the kindness of a social agency, I found another job. But when we all dragged ourselves home at the end of the day, we had been put out of our home. The exercise was over. We had failed to make ends meet. We had spent virtually no quality time with the kids. Our entire existence was spent in the rat race of keeping heads above water. The majority of the other participants in the simulation – mostly workers or volunteers from non-profit groups and government agencies – had failed in some ways, too. A few succumbed to drugs or wound up on the street. One family committed robbery. Others said they would have had sex with someone for money, if they had been given the chance. Granted, this exercise was just a simulation, and it was set up to put us under time constraints much worse than in real life. Nonetheless, in the end, every person left that room humbled by the difficulty of the daily grind when there’s no money to oil the machine. We all learned something.

More informationChildren’s Services Council of Broward County, www.cscbroward.org or 954-377-1000.

Thanking Our Sponsors


Sometimes you just have to stop and say, “Thanks!” That’s what I’d like to do with this brief post. Thanks to those who make it possible for the Humanity Project to do what we do – thanks to our sponsors and community partners. If you take a look at our About page on this website, you’ll find a very interesting fact: 100% of our money goes to our programs. That’s still true, after nearly nine years of full-time operation. No one at this organization draws a salary. Yet we put in huge amounts of time … as our results should prove to you. We also give away all of our programs for free. We charge for nothing except memberships. But like all organizations, we have significant unavoidable expenses. Rent, gasoline, Internet and all the usual things. Plus we pay for computers for schools that provide us with volunteer student assistance and, for the past two years, we’ve also purchased very expensive software for those computers. We make monthly payments to Adobe for that software to give the students a great educational experience as they work on projects for us.

That’s where our sponsors and partners come in, with some additional support from individual donors. Nearly all our funding comes from public-minded, forward-thinking companies such as State Farm, our major sponsor. And equally public-minded, forward-thinking organizations such as Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, Children’s Services Council of Broward County, Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation, Fred Gellert Family Foundation and others. Broward Sheriff’s Office has been our major community partner for several years now. Google sponsors us, as does Sears and Dr. David Sharaf’s Skin and Cancer Associates. And Barry University. And Tease Salon. And Boomers amusement park. Without them, we can’t pay that rent, can’t buy those computers, can’t even get to schools to present our programs or work on service-learning projects with students. Without the vital funds from our sponsors, we can’t accomplish much. So yes, today we say, “Thanks!” Thank you to each and every sponsor for each and every dollar or other assistance they provide to us. We’re proud of our accomplishments during the past nine years – and we believe the Humanity Project’s best days are ahead. But we’re aware, very well aware, that we couldn’t do much without the loyal support of these great companies and organizations. Thanks, indeed! Thank you very very much …

See Our Program for Yourself


A short post today about a video you really should see. Most Humanity Project friends and supporters have never had the chance to attend one of our live, in-school anti-bullying presentations. Now, though, you can view some very brief excerpts in this YouTube video. 

Our acclaimed Anti-bullying Through The Arts program is the Humanity Project’s powerful response to the national bullying problem in our schools. We tackle it head-on, but in a way that’s also fun, artsy and memorable. Basically we go into elementary schools and, in a variety of ways, send this message over and over: “Bullying hurts everyone in this school – and it takes everyone to stop it!” Then we show the young kids why this is true and how to take constructive action. Anti-bullying Through The Arts helps students who are being bullied as well as bystanders and, yes, even the bullies to feel better about themselves by stopping bullying. That’s the common denominator in all Humanity Project programs, by the way: Each one taps into a student’s need for social approval to motivate action that brings about individual development and grassroots community improvement. Take a look for yourself by clicking on the video link. And please, share this blog with a friend or family member. Working together, we can dramatically reduce school bullying in our schools.