state farm

I Care Live Workshops ... Free!

After nearly a year of planning and preparation, of development and creation, our I Care Live workshops are about to begin. These free workshops are sponsored by our very good neighbors at State Farm. They're the live version of our I Care driver safety program, which we began in 2012 for teens only ... then expanded to become a program for parents too. Research shows parents are the main influence on the driving habits of their teenage motorists: If the parents are distracted poor drivers, their kids are more likely to drive the same way.

So our live workshops are for the parents only. We will work with small groups of parents in intimate settings to show them why they need to practice what they preach. Like all the other elements of I Care, we avoid scare tactics. These 25-minute workshops are fun, funny and memorable. And we believe parents will leave with a fresh understanding about their responsibilities as parents of teen drivers. To schedule your I Care Live workshop, just go to our Contact page and get in touch. The sessions are free. If you're not in South Florida, let us know that you're interested anyway -- we'll work with you to get your parent group the materials you need to make a difference.